Gutter Inspection & Maintenance

All gutters are to be inspected for the deposition of any debris, dust, pollutants, or organic growth. Care is to be taken in the inspection of gutters for these points:

  • Staining of gutter at possible ponding locations.
  • Build-up of dust and debris at the high end of box gutters.
  • Build-up of leaves and debris in general along gutter runs.
  • Metallic staining of the gutter, surface rust.
  • Build-up of debris at rain heads, waterspouts, slots, leaf guards, overflow locations and in general around the downpipe entry.

Twigs, dust, leaves and fungal matter (debris) should be removed using the following recommended procedure, taking care to ensure no damage occurs to the gutter, downpipes, leaf guards, slots, holes, and overflow devices (if fitted) during debris removal. 

We recommend that the following procedure be adopted to remove the dust, debris, and fungal matter.

  1. Place leaf litter and other debris into a receptable and lower to the ground.
  2. Wash down the whole roof and gutter with a hose, including high ends of gutters possibly protected by overhangs, Rainheads, waterspouts and overflow locations.
  3. For any stubborn dirt build up, use a soft bristle brush to sweep the dirt out before rinsing again with water.

If significant fungal growth is found it should be identified and removed in accordance with the relevant BlueScope technical bulletin. 

Investigate metallic staining of the roof or gutter to determine if it is caused by a metallic deposit, or by breakdown of the coating on the cladding. If it is a metallic deposit, completely remove it immediately. Breakdowns in coating would generally result from poor maintenance techniques and scratching and are to be restored as deemed necessary in accordance with the relevant BlueScope technical bulletin.

Stubborn stains and dirt not removed in the hosing can be removed in accordance with the relevant BlueScope technical bulletin.


Read More:

Your gutters protect your home from water damage and bushfire risks—but only if they’re well-maintained. Learn how to keep them in top shape and when to upgrade.


Last updated 27 February 2025

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