When maintaining the roof, care should be taken to not damage the surface of the cladding, gutters, and flashings.
- Soft protection should be placed on any equipment used to provide access, where it impacts on the roof cladding.
- Some roofs (i.e. patios and verandahs) are not designed for foot traffic, and these roofs should not be walked on.
- In high traffic areas of the roof, protection of the cladding with a proprietary roofing system is recommended.
- All relevant OH&S, statutory and regulatory body requirements are to be followed when inspecting a roof.
- Ensure roof access is via a properly secured ladder or similar secure access point. Move away from roof edges.
- When walking on unprotected roofing, soft soled shoes should be worn, and walking on at least two ribs, as close to supports as possible is recommended. Point heel and toe loads should be avoided.
- When moving between supports, do not walk in the pan immediately adjacent to flashings or translucent sheeting. Walk at least one pan away.